
3 Things You’re Eating Every Day (NOT Food) That Skyrocket Your Blood Sugar To Deadly, Amputation-Causing Levels

Even deadlier than the obvious blood sugar spikers are the silent killers - things you DON’T realize are sending your levels through the roof. Once you know the truth you can free yourself from shots, medications, and constant anxiety.

Do you ever have those days where even after you’ve done the best you can do, your blood sugar was still sky high?

You’ve painstakingly counted every carb, you’ve made every blood sugar check on time… but your blood glucose level looked like you gorged yourself at an Italian pasta bar?

Sometimes, major blood sugar spikers can slip through the cracks. We can be completely unaware of something making us miserable - through no fault of our own.

You already know that Type 2 is a balancing act. You’re BG levels are constantly affected by your food, your activity, and even how anxious you are today.

But you also know managing blood sugar is KEY for managing Type 2. Studies show that a healthy blood sugar also…

  1. Boosts your “happy” hormones, giving you the best moods of your life
  2. Gives your body what it needs to lose those extra pounds that drive you crazy
  3. - And protects your heart from life-threatening complications

The opposite is also true - high blood sugar can wreak havoc on your health, leaving you drained, miserable, and lying awake at night - nauseous with fear for the future.

What’s terrifying is that some things you THINK are harmless are actually deadly.

You can’t make up for lost time, but you CAN reverse the effects of your Type 2 and start toward your dream blood glucose levels.

…But these next pages will tell you about 3 blood sugar spikers you NEED to know if you want to cut your blood sugar levels, eliminate future complications, and save your own life.

1. Common household medications

Drugs in YOUR medicine cabinet could be spiking your blood sugar.

Modern medicine is a literal lifesaver, but too many of us are uneducated about how our medications are really affecting us.

Current studies show almost 50% of us took a prescription drug in the last 30 days… and over 10% took 5 or more! And this isn’t even counting the meds we take for day-to-day aches and pains.

Common medicines - like those for asthma, cholesterol, and blood pressure - can really bump up your BG levels…and do some REAL damage.

Taking something often? Check with your doctor about how it affects your blood sugar. You may need to switch up a prescription or track your blood sugar a little closer. Better safe than sorry.

Soon, I’ll show you what you can do to go beyond managing your blood sugar and actually LOWER your levels significantly!


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